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Category Archives: Reduce Stress

3 Signs You Are a Perfectionist

3 Signs You Are a Perfectionist

Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? How would you even know if you are one? It’s easy to spot in others. But usually we have difficulty observing it in ourselves.   The signs you are a perfectionist Let’s have a look at the mind of a perfectionist. You are a perfectionist if:   1. you think in… Continue Reading

How to Overcome Perfectionism

How to Overcome Perfectionism

A perfectionist lives with an endless list of internal rules. This is his/her way to have a feeling of control over life. But underneath that lies the mother of all negative emotions: fear. Perfectionists fear that whatever they do is not good enough, they fear making mistakes. In short they fear that they ARE not good enough. Perfectionists feel like chronic failures and… Continue Reading

Is Perfectionism Good or Bad?

Is Perfectionism Good or Bad?

Being a perfectionist looks good to the outside world: people have the impression that you’re working really hard and they think highly of you because it seems you want to deliver quality. As Celestine Chua says on her blog PersonalExcellence.co: “On the surface, being a perfectionist appears to be aspirational. Many renowned and accomplished sports athletes, celebrities, singers and… Continue Reading

Do Isochronic Tones Work?

Do Isochronic Tones Work?

Do isochronic tones work at all? Many results and benefits are being claimed from using isochronic tones (and brainwave entrainment in general). From stress reduction, relaxation, deeper meditation, over increased memory, better concentration and more creativity, to altered states of consciousness (including lucid dreaming). Many people however find it hard to believe that these results are possible. Is… Continue Reading

Isochronic Tones

Isochronic Tones

It’s night. A fire is blazing and flickering. There is chanting and drumming… Imagine a traditional tribe engaged in a ritual. People are entering into a trance state because of the repetitive rhythmic patterns. Various tribes all over the planet have, or have had, similar ceremonies, enabling people to reach such states. Isochronic tones are… Continue Reading