Mind & Body Tools to Optimize Your Life

What’s your “aging” challenge?

What’s your #1 single biggest challenge when it comes to aging?

Answer here (and I’ll do my best to include the answer to your question on this blog):

  • I may want to follow up with a few people personally to learn about your situation.

  • If you'd be open to chatting for a few minutes (don't worry, I'm NOT selling anything, just doing research so that I can help people with my blog)… please leave your details below.

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50 Secrets of the Worlds Longest Living People

Today’s book of the day 50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People by Sally Beare examines the lifestyles of 5 traditional people groups who are famous for their long healthy lives (many of them are still working, exercising, and actively participating in life well past age 100).

50 secrets of the worlds longest living people

Being a nutritionist, she studied people from Okinawa, Japan; Symi, Greece; Campodimele, Italy; Hunza, India; and Bama, China. These specific people groups have 2 or 3 times the amount of people living past age 100 and 70% less chronic disease.

This post by Tai Lopez highlights the 15 secrets he founds most relevant to our every day life:




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